We are pleased to share with you our report, “The Imperative for Increased Access to High School Equivalency Programming for Successful Reentry.” Authored by Dr. Amy Lopez, this Orijin report delves into the critical need for improved access to high school equivalency programs for incarcerated individuals.
Key Highlights:
High school equivalency attainment is crucial for incarcerated individuals seeking successful reentry into society, with 73% of U.S. jobs requiring an HSE or diploma.
Individuals with higher levels of education are more likely to secure employment, earn higher wages, and experience reduced rates of recidivism post-release.
While 43% of all surveyed individuals incarcerated in state prisons reported some participation in educational programming during their confinement, only 17% of surveyed individuals were currently receiving educational programming.
Research indicates that 25% of adults in federal and state prisons are unable to enroll in an educational program because they are currently on a waiting list.
Furthermore, case studies from the New Mexico Corrections Department and the Massachusetts Department of Correction highlight the transformative impact of innovative educational initiatives facilitated by Orijin’s tablets and learning platform.
Please download the report for a detailed exploration of these findings.